The Best Idea - Doesn’t Have to Be Yours.
In the day-to-day rhythm of working in a creative field, a designer sometimes finds themselves in a design rut. The pen is not flowing, stuck, still on the paper. Inspiration is elusive. The ideas that often come so easily seem just out of reach.
A question arose during the Fireside Chat at IAAPA’s recent Expo. From the crowd, someone stood and asked the panel of successful, talented attractions professionals…
“How do you get out of a creativity rut, and
how do you recommend reidentifying with inspiration?”
Heads nodded. We’ve all been there, knowing the inspiration is right below the surface. Knowing we need to set it free.
Mike Konzen, President of PGAV, was on that panel. His answer: “Step back and look for the broader perspective. It may lead to identifying your higher purpose.” And once you realize that purpose? Surround yourself with people on fire with that mission, he said. IAAPA was one chance to be surrounded by people on fire with the same mission. Looking through PGAV’s studios is another. How do those who have dedicated their careers to creativity in attractions continually find ways to innovate, create, and get out of their design ruts?
Konzen notes, “Everyone contributes to the constant flow of ideas which leads to innovation. There’s strength in looking at things through another lens and learning from each other. If I’m having a tough day, I walk around and talk with my colleagues about what they’re working on. We hold each other to a high standard, but we also help each other get there.”
Connection surfaces again when Carol Breeze, PGAV Experience Designer, explains her process. “When I’m feeling stuck, I know it is time to get out of my head. I get up from my desk and look for another perspective. I work with so many talented people―it doesn’t take long to connect with someone, see what they’re working on, and exchange some ideas. Before I know it, inspiration is flowing again. Choosing to connect recharges my energy and breathes life into what I’m working through.”
There’s often a cultural emphasis on competition and individual achievement. While a competitive spirit can encourage individuals to strive for recognition and work hard, it can also lead to isolation, burnout, and feeling unfulfilled. Our clients and guests are better served when there’s collaboration. Konzen notes, “I’m reminded of something Jim Wible, former PGAV Director of Attraction Development, shared that colleague Bill Castle taught him,
“the best idea
doesn’t have to be yours.”
Having a team is a strength. Connection builds a powerful trust that allows ideas to be shared. Knowing there’s trust and sharing a mission is inspiring.
The next time creativity stalls, reaching out, building connections, and fostering trust can fuel your mission and unleash pent-up creativity. As the legacy of Jim Wible and Bill Castle demonstrates, the strength of connection endures and creates a foundation for continued inspiration and creativity.
Jim’s TEDx Talk here.
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