The Power of Love


I Will Always Love You

Attraction visitors and attractions have a love-love relationship. Voice of the Visitor 2021 research shows that 89% of attraction visitors would have enjoyed one or more attractions in 2020 had the pandemic not occurred.


This unrequited love was not equally shared as more missed visits in 2020 were reported for zoos, theme parks, and live theaters than botanical gardens, art galleries, and children’s museums. (An array of factors contributed to visitors foregoing their travel plans, but many of these cancellations were dependent upon the visitor risk tolerance levels and safety measures implemented at attractions.) What the data also shows is a pent-up demand for guests excited to show they have Endless Love for you.


It goes without saying that 2020 had its economic challenges. While traveler income levels vary greatly, a large portion of attraction visitors have higher household incomes compared to non-visitors (almost 40% higher on average), and primarily work in non-service-related fields. Many of those able to work-from-home also saw a decrease in their outside spending due to a lack of entertainment options (no concerts, sports, etc.) as well as limited travel opportunities. According to the U. S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, consumer spending fell 12.6% in April 2020 as states implemented lockdowns. This is in line with the New York Times report that found between March and November 2020, many Americans’ personal savings grew by 173% compared to the same period in 2019. In short, many will be banging on the windows with money in their pockets.


Many attraction visitors are already planning their 2021 leisure trip, and the industry is predicted to experience significant recovery this year. TravelPulse reports that hotels and resorts in mountain and beach locations are already showing signs of recovery, even exceeding 50% occupancy in some markets. Cruise lines are also seeing strong booking trends, and air travel is predicted to pick up dramatically in the second quarter.

In an old-is-new twist, many families will opt for road trips, stopping along the way to enjoy unique roadside destinations. The novelty of making the journey part of the destination will give Generation Z a new flavor of memories and provide roadside attractions with the opportunity to reach new markets.


There is also some evidence that while attraction attendance dropped in 2020, pent-up demand and increased personal savings encouraged attraction visitors who did venture out to spend more money on food, merchandise, and premium experiences than they have spent in previous years. This could be an opportunity for attractions to refresh their seasonal offerings and special events to capitalize on this spending trend.


History tells us of rebounds after significant moments of shared societal and financial stress (the 1918 Pandemic, World War II, 9/11, among others). Voice of the Visitor 2021 reveals that:

Missed Visits + Increased Savings = a powerful hunk of Burning Love for the attractions industry

Next week we will dive even deeper into other emotions driving the pent-up demand that will motivate guests to show they’ve got a Whole Lotta Love for destinations.

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